
Liability of medical negligence can be effectively mitigated by following some simple, but effective processes. These include:

1. Ensuring that all medical professionals in the establishment receive proper training and education on patient care and documentation and stay up to date on best practices in the medical field.
2. Establishing an internal system of checks and balances to ensure that all professionals adhere to standards of care. This includes documenting all interactions with patients, including any treatments and medications prescribed and using evidence-based practices and protocols to provide the highest standard of care to patients.
3. Following all applicable national and state laws and regulations and regularly reviewing and updating policies and procedures for medical treatments as per the changes in regulations. This would also include establishment and maintenance of safety protocols for the medical facility.
4. Making sure that all medical professionals are held accountable for their actions and are held to a high standard of care, by ensuring that any medical negligence is promptly reported and investigated, both internally and externally.
5. Providing patients with clear and accurate information about their medical treatments and encourage doctors, nurses and paramedical staff within your establishment to do so as well. This includes obtaining informed consent from patients before performing any medical procedure or treatment/s.
6. Ensuring that all medical professionals have access to the necessary resources and time to provide the best possible care to patients. This would include utilization of preventative measures such as risk management techniques, comprehensive patient history reviews, and appropriate diagnostic testing that some boutique medico-legal consulting firms like SafePrac provide.
7. Creating an organizational culture of safety and open communication between medical professionals and patients, including responding promptly to patient inquiries and complaints.